environmental, social, and governance

Sustainability Efforts

At Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corporation, we are continuously improving and sharing our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards so that all our stakeholders can transparently learn more about our sustainability efforts. Our standards comply with Canadian regulations as well as global frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals. When you attend an event on our property or conduct business with us, you can trust that we have complied with federal and national ESG standards.

modern slavery report


Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corporation is committed to conducting business in a manner that respects human rights and is free from modern slavery and human trafficking. This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1} of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. Our vision and mission center on being an integral member of our community, reflective of its values, and we recognize our responsibility to support and protect human rights both locally and throughout the chain in which we operate. Growth and sustainability represent core priorities, as does the need to grow alongside our community.

Prairieland has clear policies with respect to ethics that extend to all forms of conduct throughout the organization. The corporation holds all staff, Managers, Directors, and partners accountable to act in accordance with these guidelines.

organizational structure, business, and supply chains

Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corporation is a locally based, non-profit organization dedicated to providing trade and convention space, as well as hosting various entertainment and agricultural events in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Our guests experience excellence through premiere events and world-class facilities. Our operations and supply chains include but are not limited to, event planning and execution, food and beverage services, and the procurement of goods and services necessary for the maintenance and operation of our venues.

Prairieland has a robust governance framework to ensure our policies, business practices, and conduct meet the highest ethical standards and comply with all laws and regulations applicable to its operations.

Oversight falls under the senior executive leadership team and the corporation’s Board of Directors through work performed by its Governance Committee specifically dedicated to matters of regulatory compliance, ethics, corporate policies and practices, alignment to local community needs, and ESG concerns. Additionally, the Audit and Finance Committee provides oversight of Prairieland’s financial statements and disclosures, controls, audit compliance, and risk management.

policies relating to modern slavery

Our commitment to human rights and the eradication of modern slavery is reflected within our corporate policies and practices. Prairieland’s foremost concern is for the well-being of employees and the community, and in fulfilling this commitment, Saskatoon Prairieland Park is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.
Specific policy and tools in place include:

Code of Conduct: Mandates an environment that is free from any form of inappropriate behaviour, discrimination, or harassment. Expectations focus on integrity, high ethical standards, honesty, and fairness. We look to be a good citizen of the community, by example, and foster conduct that upholds human rights.

Employee Handbook: Unacceptable health and safety performance, or employment practices, will not be tolerated. Employees and management share the responsibility to observe and promote safe work practices and a healthy workplace.

Open Communication: Encourages an open line of communication, with avenues for confidential, private discussions directly with Human Resources or the CEO should an employee need to report an ethical breach, or violation of our code of conduct.

Vendor & Partner Relationships: The corporation is also dedicated to ensuring the highest ethical standards across its supply chain partners, expecting them to comply with all legislative requirements and to commit to ethical business practices, respect for human rights, and zero tolerance for modern slavery.

due diligence processes

In the fiscal year 2023, we conducted risk assessments of our supply chains, particularly focusing on areas with a high risk of modern slavery or leveraging the strength of policies already in place as preventative measures.

Our regular suppliers and contractors are reputable and have a demonstrated record of good business practices. We expect these partners to comply with legislative acts and regulations, including those governing modern slavery and ethical working conditions as a requirement of doing business with us. As a part of our ongoing business relationships, we continue to evaluate their policies, business practices, and overall conduct, reassessing each relationship as the need arises.

Internally, our Human Resources department review all job descriptions are reflective of work being performed and ensure labour standards and best practices are followed regarding working conditions, hours of work, and overtime. We also have leveraged our joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee of employee and management representatives meet at least every quarter. The Committee’s main purpose is to identify working conditions or situations that would not align with legislative standards or best practice, most often achieved by carrying out workplace inspections. The Committee has the power to make recommendations to senior management on improvements and mitigation of any problems that may arise.

For any assets imported from China, we place all orders through one incorporated company tasked with obtaining equipment for us from the manufacturers there, allowing us a trusted conduit to engage with overseas sources. All imports are shipped via sea, landing at the Port of Vancouver where we use a brokerage firm to guide it through the customs process. We make sure everything obtains a CSA approval once landed.

risk areas

Our business is conducted exclusively in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan where the risk of modern slavery is low. We do recognize, however, that certain groups are more vulnerable, including temporary or migrant workers, contract or agency workers, ethnic/religious minorities, newcomers to Canada, and student workers.

We also import equipment from China for use in the business but not for resale. Although these purchases -are not made on a consistent or regular basis, we recognize that due to the international nature of their origin carry an elevated risk related to modern slavery and its impacts. We re-evaluate these risks each time we engage in these overseas capital purchases.


Going forward, Prairieland will continue to assess and refine key performance indicators to measure our success in preventing modern slavery. Current measures of the effectiveness of our actions to combat modern slavery include:

  • Number and effectiveness of training sessions for employees and management on policies and best practices that deter instances of modern slavery from occurring.
  • Monitoring the successful compliance with our policies through internal reporting mechanisms, including open communication and evaluating feedback from our supply chain partners and auditors.
  • The number of suppliers or contractors we are not to engage with or the number we discontinue doing business with due to modern slavery concerns.


Understanding and complying with the Code of Conduct and policies outlined in our Handbook is a condition of working at Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corporation. The corporation is committed to ensuring that all employees are aware of both these rules and one of the duties of management is to clearly understand the requirements of applicable legislation. Our supervisors are expected to correct substandard acts and conditions and to ensure authorized, adequately trained workers are in place. All staff are encouraged to bring specific concerns to the attention of their manager or Human Resources and general concerns to the attention of the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee. We conduct ongoing training for both new employees and refresh awareness of our policies across all staff on a regular basis.


The risk of Modern Slavery is lower in Canada than in many other countries. In 2023 there have been no identified or reported instances of modern slavery in Prairieland’s business activities. As no instance of modern slavery has occurred in Prairieland’s business, the corporation does not currently anticipate having to take any kind of remedial action and does not therefore expect any loss of income to vulnerable families as the result of such measures. Future reports will include details on steps taken to remediate any loss of income should the situation arise.


Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corporation remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring that our operations and supply chains are free from modern slavery and human trafficking. We recognize the importance of continuous improvement and are committed to regularly reviewing and enhancing our practices to combat modern slavery.

Attestation pursuant to section 11 of the Canadian Act
In accordance with the requirements of the Canadian Act, and in particular section 11 thereof, I attest that I have reviewed the information contained in the report for the entity or entities subject to the Canadian Act. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, I attest that the information in the report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.

environmental initiatives

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