Prairieland offers amenities to ensure your visit to the World Trade Center Saskatoon is a safe and enjoyable experience.
Patrons visiting Prairieland facilities can always expect friendly, high-quality service and guest conveniences that can make a good experience truly great. These are just a few of the amenities you’ll find in our 260,000 sq ft venue.
The World Trade Center Saskatoon is universally accessible for mobility aides with the main entrance and Hall E entrance equipped with automatic motion-activated sliding doors. An elevator for access to The Terrace is available.

banking machines
Public ATM’s are located in the Main Foyer and in the Hall E Foyer because sometimes you just need cash.

lost & found
Prairieland can be a busy place when events are going on and it’s easy to misplace or forget an item when it’s time to go home. Please call us at (306) 931-7149 to inquire about articles lost or found during events at Prairieland. We would love to reunite you with your property.

In compliance with the Province of Saskatchewan’s no-smoking policy, Prairieland provides a safe, healthy, and smoke-free environment for employees and visitors to all facilities. Smoking is prohibited at all times in any building or portion of any building at Saskatoon Prairieland Park, or within 3 meters of any exit door. This includes the use of e-cigarettes. Designated smoking areas are defined and signed for events at Prairieland.